
The Engineer - Materials, Product Life, Performance – What Essential Parameters Drive Your Flow Meter Choice?

Titan Enterprises, a leading UK design and manufacturer of liquid flow measurement sensors, presents a comparison of their flowmeter types that will influence the suitability for your process application.

Doing things differently, better, and more cost-effectively for our customers, has been our design philosophy since Titan Enterprises launched its first flowmeter sensor in 1981. With market-leading innovation, Titan’s liquid flow measuring products and technology are industry proven on a global scale for use within a wide range of process and industrial applications. Stoll Needle

The Engineer - Materials, Product Life, Performance – What Essential Parameters Drive Your Flow Meter Choice?

With both standard flow measurement devices and OEM modifications or unique designs to accommodate customer specific applications, Titan’s flexibility and close, long-term customer partnerships have resulted in many OEM manufacturers specifying our products in equipment that will remain in production for many years. 

To facilitate a customer’s decision-making process to determine the most suitable flowmeter for their application, the following comparison table highlights the key features of Titan Enterprises’ Turbine, Oval Gear and Ultrasonic flow meters. The more detailed technical specifications of these flow measuring devices can be found on Titan’s website, where a comparison chart of each flowmeter type can also be viewed.

The basic physical techniques that flowmeters work to are well established; it’s the latest technology and materials that are applied which give the wide variety of choices in the market. Titan Enterprises are specialist design and manufacturers of turbine, oval gear and ultrasonic flow measuring devices. However, additional broad groups of flowmeters can be explored further in our technical paper. The following table indicates the suitability of a broader range of flow sensors for a variety of applications.

For further information on Titan Enterprises’ flowmeter and instrument range, please visit To discuss an optimised flow measurement device for your OEM application please contact Titan Enterprises on +44 (0)1935 812790 or email

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The Engineer - Materials, Product Life, Performance – What Essential Parameters Drive Your Flow Meter Choice?

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